Hey, I'm
Eyüp İrfan Çelik

Full-Stack Developer | Data Mining

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About Me

I'm Eyüp, a passionate **full-stack web developer** and a **first-year college student** who thrives on building **modern, scalable, and visually stunning applications**.

🚀 What do I do:

  • Build high-performance websites & web applications
  • Create modern UI/UX experiences with Tailwind CSS
  • Develop backend systems using Django & Laravel
  • Work on freelance projects & sell web templates

🎯 My Goal:

To become a **top-tier developer**, specialize in **both front-end and back-end**, and **build a strong freelancing business**.

🕹 Beyond Coding:

When I’m not writing code, you’ll find me **learning game development**, **creating content on YouTube**, or **exploring cybersecurity & bug bounty hunting**.

🚀 My Projects

Here are a few projects I've worked on recently.

Gym Website

Gym Website

A modern gym website template built with Django and JavaScript.

Ecommerce Website

Ecommerce Website

A Django e-commerce website template.

Quote Scraper

Quote Scraper

A desktop app that scrapes quotes from a website and saves them to an Excel file.



A fullstack anime list application.

Get in Touch

Feel free to reach out to me on any of the following platforms.